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Explore how our 5XIN app is making a difference across communities. From prisoners finding peace, to students and teachers enhancing well-being in schools – hear from those who’ve experienced its positive impact firsthand.

From Prisoners

Transforming Lives Behind Bars

"I've been in prison for 12 years. I had a very difficult time and reproached myself a lot - through my guilt I often began to punish myself and couldn't forgive myself for a long time...Today I am so happy and grateful that this has improved through Qíigong and that I have recognized my true self....I can focus anytime, anywhere and be mindful of using my heart qualities as tools and gifts for my health - I feel inner peace and calm and can enjoy my life with enthusiasm."

-Prisoner's Testimonial From A Maximum Security Prison in Germany

From Teachers & Kids

Year one - class of twenty five 6/7 year old primary school children.

Qigong Teacher: "As class teacher what are your experiences regarding the regular qigong practises? .. for yourself, your students, and the class as a group?"

Year One Teacher: ""During the practise the children become more relaxed and focussed. Class tests that are held directly after the qigong show better results. The children can see for themselves the benefits of qigong and use the exercises also outside of the session times. It also makes me feel calmer...The calmness of the qigong teachers and how they allow the children to find their own calm despite the level of noise. It is very interesting to observe the children while not in the teacher role, I see a lot that I hadn’t recognised before...Children with reading and writing difficulties without recent qigong had 17-20 mistakes in spelling tests, and after qigong 0-1 mistakes. (On two separate occasions)"

A year one student painted how QiGong makes them feel (right): "I felt that my heart was very warm."