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Science Meets Spirituality

Consciously connecting with the heart in a good state and with positive and uplifting feelings, and thoughts raises the vibration and this can now be measured as an electro magnetic field.. yes improvements in our state are not just subjective they are objective changes that can change the internal physical, mental and emotional  environment which goes outward from the body as a field. Shall we talk about how the law of resonance and attraction really works? We human beings have known this innately for thousands of years. So.. we can become the master of ourselves and not hapless victims in the complexity of this dynamic life. Our own hearts can be our most powerful ally.

QiGong at School

A recent pilot study titled “Qigong at School” explored the benefits of Qigong exercises for second and third graders. Over two months, 49 students participated in weekly sessions integrated into their school routine. The project aimed to assess changes in mindfulness, compassion, and well-being using teacher-designed questionnaires. Although the classes and research are ongoing, most children reported that Qigong was beneficial, feeling more connected to their breath, and discovering new self-care techniques like deep breathing and mindful movement. While conclusive results are pending, the study highlights a positive perception of Qigong among the children, suggesting potential long-term benefits with continued practice.

Qigong at a Maximal Security Prison

In partnership with a correctional facility, weekly Qi Gong sessions were introduced to help inmates reduce stress, manage emotions, and improve mental well-being through moving meditation. Early scientific results indicate a positive shift in psychological health, with prisoners reporting increased feelings of calm and relaxation after six months of practice, as shown in the graph.